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January inspires many people to try out different things like dry January, rejoining the gym or setting an ambitious goal. One new thing I did for 4 months in 2017 was a daily gratitude list. Each day I listed in an online diary 3-5 new things I was grateful for that day. 

Research strongly supports the power of gratitude practices. In his book ‘The Happiness Advantage,’ Shawn Achor presents compelling studies showing that regular gratitude exercises can significantly boost happiness levels and improve overall well-being. Just a few minutes of daily gratitude practice can rewire our brains to recognize positive patterns. 

After 4 months, this enlightened practice was ingrained into me. My attitude and perspective became more positive. If any negativity pierced the positive bubble around me, I was able to feel gratitude for something I appreciated, and that uplifting feeling would return. 

One aspect I included was to feel the benefit of the thing I was grateful for. So, tasting the sweetness of a juicy cantaloupe, or feeling the silkiness of 600-thread count sheets or the glow of laughter with friends seen infrequently. This mindful appreciation helps anchor gratitude in your body and makes the practice more powerful and lasting. 

The beauty of gratitude is that it compounds over time. What starts as a conscious exercise gradually becomes second nature, transforming how you experience daily life. Even on challenging days, you’ll naturally notice moments of joy and appreciation that might have previously gone unacknowledged. 

I challenge you to list daily gratitude for the next 30 days (you can enter them into your calendar) and see how your perspective changes. Remember to be specific and really feel gratitude as you write – it’s not just about listing items, but about connecting with genuine appreciation for each one. You might be surprised at how this simple practice can shift your outlook on life. 

Copyright © 2024 Devashri Gupta. All rights reserved. 


Shaw Achor TED Talk: The Happy Secret to Better Work

Post Author: Dev Gupta